Marx and I, having been wrong about how the class contradictions within the Republican party were going to work themselves out, but not about how far the politics of ignorance could really go once it had actually taken over the leading strings of government, are now preparing something useful and new.

When different people say the word "socialism," they make roughly the same sounds but may mean quite different things. We are going to look at the things the word can properly mean, including and emphasizing scientific socialism.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Who said what about whom

Today is the anniversary of an incident that contributed to the personality disorders described here:

…in his case what had been hardness became cruelty, while a tendency to bluff became plain dishonesty. He often lied without hesitation, and assumed that others lied to him. He believed no one any more. It had already been difficult enough dealing with him; it now became a torture that grew steadily worse from month to month. He frequently lost all self-control and his language grew increasingly violent. In his intimate circle he now found no restraining influence….

Can you guess who wrote it and whom he was writing about?

The answers will be posted time permitting later today or tomorrow.

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