Marx and I, having been wrong about how the class contradictions within the Republican party were going to work themselves out, but not about how far the politics of ignorance could really go once it had actually taken over the leading strings of government, are now preparing something useful and new.

When different people say the word "socialism," they make roughly the same sounds but may mean quite different things. We are going to look at the things the word can properly mean, including and emphasizing scientific socialism.

Saturday, April 6, 2019


First, who owes them? A just debt is owed only if it is chargeable in justice to the debtor. But the American public as such and as a whole did not incur the debt of reparations for slavery, neither then nor now.

Second, what of the proletariat? What industrial capital expropriated from proletarian labor time differs only in legal form from what landed capital accumulated from fixed assets that happened to be human beings. The claim of their descendants to reparations stands on approximately the same economic ground as that of the descendants of slaves. 

Or, to add a political statement to the foregoing philosophical and economic statements, people who would like to remedy an injustice by perpetrating another injustice cannot expect those who suffer from the latter to vote for them.

Of course these statements are so far merely conclusory and have to be argued for.